Happy New Year and appeal for Volunteers.
Flowers cheer up the Club even on the rainiest of days so big thanks are due to our flower ladies Brenda Lindsay, Carole Murray, Claire Storey, Jenny Smyth, Nicola Thompson, Olive O’Connor and Rita Jarvis for their time and floral contributions that make the Club so welcoming.
Two volunteers stepped down this past year, and in 2023 two of the ladies will be busier than usual with a new boat and new grandchild coming into their lives. So this is a call to volunteers who might join in and help out. You really don’t have to be a floral design expert but one or two extra pairs of hands would be very welcome.
To find out more, please contact Nicola Thompson on 07958 028771, ideally before Friday 13th January when the ladies will meet at 12 noon in the Lipton Room to agree the spring flower rota followed by lunch downstairs.
Finally, you may not be able to volunteer, but do you have a biggish garden? Some of the ladies have no garden to speak of and so they have to “find” foliage where they can or buy the occasional bit of greenery from the fabulous Gail at Floral Design.
To keep costs down, it would help enormously if one of the flower team could pop round with their secateurs (obviously by prior arrangement) and help themselves to the occasional stem, leaf or twig! Similarly, if something in your garden flowers spectacularly later in the year, and you could spare a few blooms, please let the flower ladies know as, along with everything else, the cost of imported cut flowers is soaring.
Thanks in advance and Nicola looks forward to hearing from you: 07958 028771.