Cruising Dinner & Log Awards

Posted: 1/12/2023

This year, the Logs were Judged by John Clementson.  John is a current member of the Club and has enjoyed many cruising years with fellow members. His review of the logs was interesting and generally favourable but he did manage to add a few tips for each log to assist achieving perfection.  The logs covered cruises ranging from the Lindsay's Kandoo diverse delivery trip by sea and canal from Sicily to Bangor and Ed Wheeler's long distance voyage to Madeira and back to the alternative type cruise many of us enjoy - a gourmet tour of the Clyde. 

To sum up the awards are:

  • The Edward Parker Bullick Cup for the Best Cruise by a Sailing Yacht - Winner 2023 Alan Leonard - Ariadne (Top right image Adjudicator John Clementson with Alan Leonard and Cruising Convenor Rosie Stevenson anad Peter Bullick)  
  • The Crawford Bowl for the Best Cruise from a Motor Yacht - none entered
  • The Longship Trophy for the Most Outstanding Cruise - Ed Wheeler - Witchcraft of Howth (Top Left image Adjudicator John Clementson with Ed Wheeler and Crusing Convenor Rosie Stevenson and Peter bullick)
You can read Ariadne's log HERE
Witchcraft of Howth's Log - can be read HERE
Kandoo's log - click HERE
Lofna's log - click HERE


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