Cruising Awards Dinner for 2022

Posted: 7/3/2023


Congratulations to Rosemary Stevenson and Peter Bullick whose tireless work over the last few months culminated in a very successful Cruising Dinner and Log Prize giving. 41 attended and 8 logs were scrutinised by Peter Ronaldson.

Time to be thinking of your log submission for 2024? Logs should contain a chartlet of the area cruised, the date of the cruise and listing the crew.

The Logs should also include the passage plan, weather, tidal and navigation information 
 a photo and information about the vessel

Lastly the Logs should tell a story about the cruise, include photos of the crew and places visited. 

Please submit in an A4 Presentation Folder (hard copy only), no later than 31st January
2024, to the RUYC Office

The result of the competition will be announced at the Cruising Dinner on Friday 23rd February 2024.



Longship Trophy (Awarded for the Best Log). Read the winning log HERE
Mingulay (Johnny & Mandy Ritchie).

Viscount Bangor  Trophy (Awarded for the most outstanding Log)

Temptress of Down (Kevin & Susie Harris)

Jan Wheeler presented the prizes,

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