RUYC 150-Year Celebrations – London-based Function for Outport Associates
The Club has provisionally agreed with the Royal Thames Yacht Club to hold a function on either Thursday 23rd or Friday 24th June 2016 at which Outport Associates can gather to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the formation of Royal Ulster Yacht Club. This would probably be for Lunch on whichever date shows the greatest response, but Dinner might also be considered.
There will be a Raffle in aid of the RNLI with a good prize for tickets at a London-based event early in the following week.
Because the Royal Thames is a reciprocal Club, they can accept bookings for Cabins at reduced rates for anyone needing overnight accommodation.
You might wish to view their WebSite at:
Although targeted for Outport Associates, members of their family and other categories of the membership who happen to be in London on the finalised date will be equally welcome.
At this preliminary stage, responses to notices in TellTales indicate that an attendance of around twenty is already likely. It is hoped that responses to this message will enhance the potential numbers.
We are seeking to establish possible interest, and to ask that you respond by e-mail to to let the Club Office know if you would be interested in attending and to advise which date and time of day would be your preferred choice.
Responses that indicate a possible interest in attending will be acknowledged by e-mail.
As soon as the preferred date and time becomes clear, a further message will be sent providing prices for the event and for Cabins. That should allow a firm booking with the Royal Thames – probably in a private room if the numbers are sufficient. Nearer to the chosen date, we would require advance payment of a deposit to cover this Club’s commitment to the Royal Thames for the expected number of meals.