In order to protect the Scottish Series from another year of cancellation, the Clyde Cruising Club has stripped its May regatta right back to a racing event-based over multiple locations on the Clyde.
The series will move from it’s 'spiritual' home of Loch Fyne and the village of Tarbert to the east side of the Firth of Clyde.
The move attracted a mixed reaction from local Skippers:
John Minnis, skipper of the Beneteau 31.7 Final Call told Afloat "It shows great courage on the part of the Clyde Cruising Club to make these changes. The competitors and families can take comfort in the fact that safety measures are in place. We are looking forward to racing in a different part of the Clyde where we have never raced before. Although the social aspect has been curtailed I feel the spin-off is a chance to gel with our own crews and create our own fun".
It's a sentiment echoed by Gareth Martel, skipper of the First 41.7, Pippa VI from Royal Ulster and Ballyholme:
"I think it's fantastic that the CCC have pulled something together in the current climate. If it looks viable nearer the time we will definitely be keen to take part".
But Royal Ulster and East Down YC sailor Jay Colville, who skippers the First 40, Forty Licks says "We have decided not to enter. We have raced in the Scottish Series since 2014 and are current Class champions. It doesn't sound like a valid competition when it is moving from place to place. We can't live on the boat and it would be difficult to organise accommodation in that situation".
Read the full article in here.
UPDATE. A survey has been issued to prospective entries.