The Rear Commodore’s Further Update issued last Wednesday was based on the information available to us at the time from the NI Executive’s announcements. Unfortunately, the detailed legalisation that has now

been published makes it clear that tables of 6 persons for either dining or drinking must also be restricted to two households (Children aged 12 and under are not counted in the total. More than six will be permitted if they all belong to a single household).
We regret that this obviously will have a major impact on the way the Club is allowed to operate and affect members’ plans considerably. We will nonetheless make strenuous efforts to keep operating within the legal requirements so that members can continue to use their Club albeit in a more limited way.
However, as members will be aware we are living in a continually changing scene and we can but hope that this additional restriction may only exist for a relatively short period. We will naturally keep members informed of any developments as they occur. You can read the full 22nd September updates on the nidirect website here.
Please note that the rules published in the appendix to the COVID 19 update issued last Wednesday still apply, particularly in relation to face coverings and contact tracing.