Members’ Guidance on the Re-opening of the Club
As members will be aware from previous announcements, we are hoping to reopen the Club bar and dining room on 3rd July.
Items of PPE have been ordered and are currently in stock at the Club and the bar and waiting staff will be undergoing training on the new way of working on Monday 29th June. As members will appreciate life cannot return to normal just yet so we will be opening on a restricted basis to start with and will reassess weekly to see if we can extend opening hours and the scope of service. Much will also depend on whether the NI Executive decide to ease the social distancing guidelines from 2metres to 1metre because at 2metres we are severely restricted as to the numbers we can accommodate in the Clubhouse. But the following are the guidelines for how we will be operating for the time being:
- For at least the weekends of 3rd to 5th July and 10th to 12th July the Club will only be open on Friday lunchtime and evening, Saturday evening and Sunday lunchtime for dining. There will initially be only a limited menu as Prezemek is currently still stuck in Poland but as soon as he returns – in the middle or to the end of July, depending on quarantining rules - the menu will be extended again.
- To accommodate the numbers, preserve social distancing and for the smooth running of the service, tables can only be booked with at least 24 hours notice and at most 10 days before the desired date and members will be given a fixed time to arrive. Please endeavour to respect this as we are anxious to avoid crowds in the entrance hall.
- To try to accommodate as many members as possible we are going to trial two sittings. If you book for the earlier sitting you will have to vacate your table for the second sitting. Also initially bookings will only be accepted for members and members of their households. We will relax this latter rule as soon as we can.
- You will be taken directly to your table and any pre- or post-dinner drinks will be served at the table. Members will not be permitted to approach the bar itself which will be screened off by yellow tape on the floor.
- The dining room will be zoned and each zone will have a dedicated waiter or waitress. This is to limit the possibility of cross contamination and aid tracing if there should be an outbreak at the Club
- If members wish to buy drinks without a meal this can only be accommodated outside and will be table service only. We will not be able to run bar tabs for outside service so you will be asked to pay for each drink order when it is delivered to your table. Booking is not necessary for this but we anticipate we will be required to take names and contact details for track and trace purposes. Please bear in mind the weather - drinking without “substantial food” is not permitted within the clubhouse by law so if it starts to rain we cannot admit “drinking only” members to shelter in the clubhouse.
- There will be sanitisation stations throughout the clubhouse. Please feel free to use these but think of others and PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THEM.
- All entry and exit to the clubhouse will be through the front door but once in there is a limited one-way system into and out of the front bar. Please follow the signage correctly.
- For the duration of the restrictions the normal rule prohibiting coats and jackets on chairs is being relaxed. Please do not use the cloakrooms for your outer garments but keep them with you at your table. This is to help limit movement around the club and congestion in the cloakrooms.
- Please pay attention to the maximum capacities in the cloakrooms and the queuing areas. There are notices outside the cloakrooms for this purpose.
- The cloakrooms will be cleaned and sanitised more frequently during the restrictions but there will also be disinfectant wipes available in each cubicle for your use.
- In common with many other businesses we are trying to discourage the use of cash so we would ask you to pay both bar and dining bills by card.
This may seem a lot but our first priority has to be for the health and safety of our members and staff and we ask you to bear this in mind if you find any of this onerous. We will keep everything under constant review so please do give us your feedback.
We look forward to seeing you all again, so please book now on 02891 270568 to avoid disappointment!