Please find below the latest information from RYA Northern Ireland.
"The NI Health Minister last night (19th May) signed the amendment to Coronavirus Restrictions permitting Outdoor Activity from today.
We continue to seek clarification from the Government Approach to Decision Making announcement, specifically with terms of ‘some water activity’. In the absence of any further guidance from Government Departments, our current interpretation is that this does permit all forms of boating activity (sailing, windsurfing, powerboating etc) but only when safely:
- undertaken by individuals or members of the same household;
- there is no sharing of hard surfaces (including all types of boat);
- public health guidance is followed at all times;
- strict social distancing can be undertaken.
Of further note, there is restriction on the number of people who may gather outdoors from separate households of six (adhering to Social Distancing). Please ensure this is highlighted to members etc .
We urge that any activity is always done in a conservative and considerate manner to help safeguard public health and not put any additional pressure on the emergency services. Clubs and facilities should take time to ensure that the necessary COVID secure parameters are in place to safeguard members. RYANI will also be highlighting the message to be patient and make all appropriate checks before considering going afloat.
We want to ensure that the health and safety of the boating community across Northern Ireland remains the number one priority and that we move gradually and conservatively through each step to ensure this.
We will continue to update information and advice as it is confirmed through our COVID specific page:
Currently the HM Coastguard advice for NI has not changed and can be found here:
We will continue to update and provide advice as aspects change or are clarified."
Jim Coffey
Honorary Sailing Secretary