Events - RUYC Sailing Events

Notices of Race, Entry Forms, Sailing Instructions and Declarations where required will be added to each event for downloading.

Racing Sponsored by

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Grange Wine Merchants Autumn Series

13/10/2024 10:30

Up to two races each Sunday morning from 22nd September until 27th October

RUYC is delighted to once again have the support of Grange Wine Merchants in the running of the Autumn Series

Grange Wine Merchants Autumn Series

20/10/2024 10:30

Up to two races each Sunday morning from 22nd September until 27th October

RUYC is delighted to once again have the support of Grange Wine Merchants in the running of the Autumn Series

Grange Wine Merchants Autumn Series

27/10/2024 10:30

Up to two races each Sunday morning from 22nd September until 27th October

RUYC is delighted to once again have the support of Grange Wine Merchants in the running of the Autumn Series