Membership Categories & Application Form

The Club maintains the following categories of membership.

Inport Inport
Honorary Senior
Senior Life
Life Outport

Family Membership:  where both parents are paying the appropriate Inport or Associate Subscription, their children under the age of 18 may become Junior Associates without payment of subscription until the 1st January following their 18th birthday.

A member and spouse, or de facto partner, may apply for the "couples" subscription rate.  As this depends on membership category and length of membership, please contact the Club Office for details.

In addition there are a number of membership grades held by members that are no longer available.

Information on the definition and eligibility for each category is available from the Club office who will advise if a category transfer is applicable.

Subject to vacancies, members of not less than three years standing may nominate a candidate for election. Nomination forms are available from the Club office.

To download Application Guidance Notes and an Application for Membership Form - Click Here (PDF)

For full details of the criteria for each category and the current subscription rates please contact the Club Office.

Applications for membership can be made throughout the year and are passed for consideration to the Membership Committee by the General Committee after their monthly meetings.  The Membership Committee considers the applications and submits the list of approved candidates to the General Committee. Details of the approved candidates for membership (including names and addresses) will be posted on the Official Club Notice Board for a period of at least 14 days.    At the end of this period a ballot shall take place at the next meeting of the General Committee and successful candidates will be advised of their election.  The appropriate entrance fee (if any) and subscription must then be paid within one month of the election.

Please note that the form must be completed and signed by the Applicant, the Proposer and Seconder and a note made of the Member of the Committee to whom the Applicant has been introduced.