- His Majesty King Charles III
Flag Officers
- Commodore: HRH The Duke of Gloucester
- Vice Commodore - Maurice Butler
- Rear Commodore - Garth Maxwell
General Committee
The Committees and Convenors listed below are those in place for 2024. The New Convenors and Committee Members will be confirmed by General Committee and this list updated.
Sailing Committee
- Convenor - Fiona Hicks - Hon Sailing Secretary -
- Jim Coffey
- Derek Fairley
- Gillian Fairley
- Rory Flannigan
- John Harrington
- Garth Lindsay
- Gareth Martel
- Conor Simms
Finance Committee
- Convenor - Iain Kennedy- Hon Treasurer
- Tom Bell
- Ross Boyd
- Iain Kennedy
- Richard Miliken
- Garth Maxwell
Membership Committee
- Convenor -Garth Maxwell - Rear Commodore
Succession Committee
- Convenor - Jim Coffey
- Stanton Adair
- John Bell
- Sarah Jane Flannigan
- Fiona Hicks
- Johnny Ritchie
Social Committee
- Convenor -
- Liz Browne
- Ann Davis
- Judith Gilchrist (Catering Convenor)
- Naomi Holmans
- Nicole Smith (Club Manager)
- Carole Murray
- Clare Ritson
Catering Committee
- Convenor -
Beverage & Wine Committee
- Beverage Convenor - Mark Dally
- Wine Convenor Dr Paul McGarrity
- Stanton Adair
- Tom Bell
- Alan Crowley
- Mark Dally (Beverage Convenor)
- John Rainey
- Ed Wheeler
Display & Hanging Committee
- Convenor - Peter Ronaldson
- Myles Lindsay
- Michael McKee
- James Nixon
- Ed Wheeler
House & Grounds Committee
- Convenor -
- Scott McBurney
- Robin McKelvey
- Ian Wilson